Denise Phua

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Singapore’s social challenges are turning complicated and complex. The new normal is the recognition that Government can no longer do it alone.

Even the supposedly simple issue of 'feeding the hungry' is, in truth, not as simple as it appears.

The recent CNA documentary on "Food Insecurities" showed up problems such as overlapping of help efforts; reluctance of donors to work with each other; and wastage of donated items.

I myself have been involved in issues such as coordinating Senior Services and helping Cardboard Collectors – not easy.

MSF Minister Desmond himself has personally led in bringing together groups to solve social concerns such as rough sleepers and food distribution to the poor.

We have to find a formula that goes beyond the interest and intervention of a heroic Minister.

Tackling social challenges together , especially more challenging wicked ones, calls for several critical success factors :

  • a strong sponsor who can back with the right links;

  • a systems thinking approach;

  • clarity in problem statement;

  • an understanding of the overall landscape, driving and restraining forces;

  • a strong facilitator; and

  • implementation discipline for results.

MSF should be given resources to start an establishment that is nimble and competent enough to facilitate and pull in the right internal and external resources to address identified prioritised social challenges - a SWAT team of sorts.

I seek MSF's inputs on how it intends to lead and facilitate the imperative of tackling social challenges together. What are the outcomes and obstacles to date?