Denise Phua

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Motion to contribute to the UN efforts to help the poorest countries in the world

Nations, like individuals, can exist at three levels -

  1. Survival

  2. Success

  3. Significance.

Many countries in the world are barely surviving; a plight made even worse by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many are successful materially but focused primarily on ‘self’. But, when one uses one’s blessings to bless others- that’s “significance”.

I’m glad our beloved country is moving in that direction to become significant, not just successful.

Yesterday, Parliament unanimously supported the motion to contribute to the United Nation’s efforts to help the poorest countries in the world. This was aimed to provide help and debt relief to IMF’s poorest and most vulnerable members in the event of a natural catastrophe or global health pandemic; amongst others.

Singapore has helped over the years in both monetary and non-monetary ways.

It’s the right thing to do; not just because we as a small nation-state live in and depend on the global economy n setting that so affect us. It’s about making a significance and being a blessing.