Denise Phua

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NTUC FoodFare

I love businesses that truly care for more than the financial bottom line.

Sure, if a company cannot survive, then it can’t be around for long to do any good.

No margin, no mission, as they say. And I agree.

But businesses that solely focus on profit miss the chance of becoming significant; they are just successful.

Hence my excitement when I had a chance to visit NTUC FoodFare to see if there are opportunities to create, redesign jobs for the vulnerable in society.

NTUC FoodFare group has a social mission to offer affordable, quality and healthy food through its food courts, coffee shops and hawker centres. Very much aligned with the overall spirit of NTUC’s social enterprises like FairPrice.

I like that the management (Tee Seng and team) takes their mission so seriously.

You can see it in the way FoodFare tries to keep prices low at the chai-png (rice) stalls at many neighbourhood coffee shops.

Always finding ways to improve the production processes at their Senoko facility my team and I visited.

Jia you 加油 FoodFare Team. Hope to make the world a tad better with you.