Denise Phua

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Thank you to everyone who have given your inputs and support to the CDC Vouchers Scheme!

More than 1 million households out of a targeted 1.3 million have claimed their $100/- CDC vouchers. $28 million vouchers had already been used. (I’ve used up mine to support the hawkers I know!)

All in less than a month of the launch in early December 2021.

Today, a new CDC VOUCHERS MERCHANTS GO WHERE MAP is released to help Residents find out where to spend their vouchers

Just key in your STREET NAME or POSTAL CODE at The locations of the nearest participating hawkers and heartland merchants will pop out on a map for you.

The hitherto successful launch of the CDC Vouchers Scheme is thanks to the FANTASTIC TEAMWORK of the 5 CDCs AND GovTech, People’s Association, IMDA, Enterprises SG, MOF plus several others. Not perfect we know but the combined team did all we can do to ‘chiong’.

So happy that more than 10,250 heartland merchants and hawkers have joined in.

And even happier that even if it’s primarily digital, we made a special effort to print vouchers for residents who have problems using digital means. At many CCs.

If you’ve yet to claim your vouchers, just go to before 31 December 2022 to claim and use them.

Hawkers and heartland merchants who would like to onboard the CDC scheme can register their interest at and a CDC Ambassador will reach out to you.

Apologies if there are any imperfection.

And Thank You to everyone who have given your inputs and support to the CDC Vouchers Scheme