Denise Phua

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House Visits @ Crawford

Mr. Looi, my resident at Crawford, has been quietly picking up garbage nightly in his residential zone for many years now.

The young retiree did it on his own initiative as a good neighbour. I bumped into him when I completed my weekly house visits at Blk 467 last night and am grateful for his public spiritedness.

The Crawford area, like many public residential areas in town, is frequented by visitors who are non-residents, not least the patrons of the famed bak-chor-mee.

Efforts by folks like Looi lighten the load of our diligent town council cleaners.

It was a good, albeit warm, house-to-house visit, and I’m happy to have met many long-time residents.

Apologies for reaching your home a tad late for some because there were many floors to scale.