Tertiary Institutions: Special Education Support

Sir, I am very grateful to the MOE team and, most recently, the Minister and Senior Parliamentary Secretary Sim Ann for their visibly active and helpful support for our younger special-needs students in the system.

Sir, it is time for MOE’s post-Secondary institutions, such as the Universities, Polytechnics and ITEs, to catch up with their more progressive peers in the world to grant more systemic and structured provisions for students with special needs.

From Boston University to Berkeley to San Jose University in the US, the disability support officers support students with disabilities in a structured way in matters such as disclosures, registrations, arranging for appropriate services, supporting and advising faculty on academic accommodations and transition to employment. Persons who are hearing-impaired, for instance, upon approval and evaluation, may receive sign language interpretation, note-taker services, computer-aided real-time translations or other appropriate provisions.

As a global education player, it is time for Singapore post-Secondary institutions to catch up with their peers. The numbers may be small but how we treat and support them is watched by the rest.