Denise Phua

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Through-Train Schools

Madam, I would like to repeat the call for a pilot for a cluster of 10-year through-train schools from primary to secondary school levels.

The PSLE is an important primary school end-goal for most students, their parents and the schools. PSLE results determine whether a student joins the normal or express streams in Secondary 1. Doing well also gives more options of one's choice of secondary schools. It is hence common for some schools and tutors to use much of the Primary 5 and 6 years to prepare their students well in their academics for this high-stakes examination.

Contrary to the perception of some, removing a high-stakes examination like the PSLE, will not lead to falling academic standards. Designed and executed well, the time taken to hot-house students for the PSLE can instead be used to master their academics even better. There is more time to develop special talents in either the academics, IT or music, arts or sports which the busy PSLE students have little time for. Problems relating to secondary school choice and admission would also become irrelevant by removing the PSLE.

My proposal for the pilot programme goes beyond the mere removal of the PSLE. The vision for this pilot incorporates other key features, such as:

(1) No streaming, and offering of a mix of core and elective subjects at either the foundation, standard or advanced or gifted level according to one's abilities and strengths;

(2) A good mix of both formative and summative assessments to locate one's mastery level;

(3) Incorporation of what is already excellent in the current system such as character building, citizenship and socio-emotional development;

(4) Service to others as part of daily school life;

(5) Daily living skills training at four levels – self, family, community and nation;

(6) Learning support for those who have learning disabilities; and

(7) Stronger support for those who are disadvantaged.

This is at least the sixth time I have given inputs to MOE regarding the issues of the high-stakes PSLE and/or through-train schools in this House; not counting the other discussions I have had with MOE leaders. I seek an update from Minister on his thoughts on what the next steps might be.