Response to Report of Committee of Inquiry

Thank you, Madam. Mr Lui Tuck Yew and I are MPs taking care of different parts of Little India and we want to register our thanks to the Home Team who has supported the residents and us even before the riot.

Despite the alarming physical damage and the death of one man, we are very grateful that the riot was quelled the same night. Mornings after were back to normal and post-riot measures were decisive and effective and sent a strong message that we do not tolerate such riots. Again, we want to officially thank and salute the Home Team for its contribution including the ground commander from Tanglin whom I believe, has done what he could in the heat of action and without the benefit of hindsight.

My question is this. I would like to ask the Deputy Prime Minister if he has taken consideration of the residents' response to what has happened in the last six months. In the last six months, majority of our residents, including some restaurants and temples, have found measures, such as the alcohol sale and consumption restrictions, increased police presence, improved transport arrangements – all measures which are very, very useful. There is a strong appeal to have these measures sustained for the long term. It has never been more peaceful.

I would like to ask Deputy Prime Minister if the residents' appeals could be given stronger and heavier weightage, compared to general voices from the public; in developing, especially the permanent measures in the residential zones and even the nearby zones.

I have been heartened by Manpower Minster's promise to ensure that the foreign workers' interests are looked after as well.

I want to also speak up for the businesses which had depended primarily on the foreign workers in Little India. I want to ask if the Minister or the relevant agencies give priority for the Little India businesses, since more basic services, such as grocery, remittance businesses, are being set up as part of the new strategies in the workers' dorm.