Update on Coronavirus Patient and Measures Taken

Dear Residents,

It has just been reported that there is a case of a confirmed coronavirus patient who lives in the Veerasamy Road vicinity.

Here is some information currently available:

  1. Subject lives in a flat in Veerasamy Road. As reported, he had worked together with case 42, a 39-year-old foreign national, who had visited Mustafa Centre in Little India before being hospitalised. Subject reported symptoms on Feb 6, went to the GP the next day, and already admitted to NCID on Monday. He is not in the flat now.

  2. Contact tracing has already started. If you have not been contacted, you are most likely not a close contact and unlikely to be at risk.

  3. NEA and the Town Council have arranged for further thorough disinfection of the block; although the said block and surrounding areas have been cleaned by Town Council workers on a daily basis.

  4. However, it is important to continue to maintain good personal hygiene including regular washing of hands. If you are unwell, please wear a mask and consult a doctor.

  5. Get a regular update from https://www.moh.gov.sg/2019-ncov-wuhan. I will also update you as more info comes in.

  6. Stay safe and keep well!




  1. 患者住在维拉三美路的一个组屋里。据报道,他曾与病例42(一名39岁的孟加拉籍公民)一起工作,后者在住院之前曾去过小印度的穆斯达法购物中心。患者于2月6日出现症状,第二天去诊所看了医生,并在周一确诊后转往国家传染病中心。他现在不住在组屋里。

  2. 追踪接触病患的行动已经开始,如果没有与您联系,则您很可能不是曾经与病患接触过的人,并且不太可能面临有被传染的风险。

  3. 国家环境局和市镇理事会已安排对该街区进行进一步彻底消毒;尽管这些区域和周围环境每天都由市镇理事会工人清理过。

  4. 但是,最重要的是要继续保持良好的个人卫生,包括定期洗手。如果身体不适,请戴上口罩并咨询医生。

  5. 可从卫生部的网站:https://www.moh.gov.sg/2019-ncov-wuhan获的及时更新的信息

  6. 请记得保持安全并保持健康!


Community, MPDenise Phua