Denise Phua

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Launch of THK Charity Buddha Donation Drive 2020

I was invited to help launch the fundraising efforts of Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society, a pioneer- generation charity running more than 90 services for the young and old. Chairman Lee Kim Siang told me that THK was one of the pioneers to help the Government start the first avalanche of senior activity centres for the elderly in Singapore.

We chatted with each other about the challenges of running large charities and the responsibilities (and at times concerns) that come with it.

The collaboration of the public and people sectors are a necessity as Singapore faces complex social and other issues, and Government can no longer do it alone. But it takes a strong shared vision and trust to make this collaboration work and last.

I intend to speak about the need to dive deeper into the topic of SGTogether in the upcoming Budget 2020 debates.