World Austism Awareness Day 2020!
Today 2 April is World Autism Awareness Day.
In Singapore, members of Autism Network Singapore got together to produce this music video titled “We are Intertwined”.
Do spend a couple of minutes listening to it.
My first brush with autism was more than 20 years ago when my son was diagnosed as autistic. My husband and I were devastated, not knowing much about autism. Since then , my family and I were transformed from that initial grief to joy with my special son today.
I personally took a different path and grew spiritually and professionally; due to autism.
My son brings me much joy with his innocence, purity of intent, cheerfulness and talent (art). So do many of the young and older ones on the spectrum whom I’ve got to know and love.
I made many friends due to autism and now am part of an extended family of fellow travellers who want to ensure none of our special ones is left behind.
Our lives are indeed intertwined. We are all part of a bigger tapestry that we can make beautiful if we would only cherish our differences and make room for each other.
Autism comes in a spectrum and is not always easy to comprehend. But every autistic person, like everyone else, is worthy and has something to give.
Big thanks to everyone who has blessed this special community.
Music Video “ We Are Intertwined”:
We're Intertwined - An Autism Network Singapore Original Song 2020