Denise Phua

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Candidacy for GE 2020

Dear friends

Today I will be formally introduced as a GRC candidate to be fielded in the next General Elections. This is my 4th GE. 15 years ago, I was approached to join the People’s Action Party and after much prayers and reflection, decided to answer the call.

No party is perfect but to put real ‘action’ behind one’s declaration and words is the real beef. Actions that will indeed improve lives of people, regardless of race, language, faith or abilities. The details of the action plan of the party I choose to join are found here.

Here is the PAP manifesto detailing the promises for the people - I’m glad that the special needs cause is included. In the next couple of weeks of hustings, you will find my posts related to GE2020.

Politics is one of the key pillars on which society stands - one cannot serve in this role without being elected. Bear with me as I share GE news in the days to come. I hope you will grant me and the team your blessings and support.
