‘Mayors Unite’ to support A Very Special Challenge

For a good cause, I’m going to ask you to donate to ‘Mayors Unite’ to support A Very Special Challenge - for Autism Resource Centre’s fundraiser to help adults on the autism spectrum.

The 5 Mayors have pledged to personally make or cook 20 items. Teo Ho Pin made cookies. I made 4 heart-shaped yam cakes. Other mayors coming up soon once they catch their breath after the GE hustings.

ARC runs a job centre and also 2 social enterprises to create jobs for our special adults. The Government is subsidising the job centre but remaining funds still need to be found. Quite a tough feat because there’s just so much needs for those in adult years and services are still in the dearth. They need all the help they can get. Do support.

For every dollar you donate, I will personally match $ for $, up to max of $x😀

Click here to donate https://avsw20.autism.org.sg/group-profile/?id=GRPauvkL69