Here's to the next five years in Parliament!

When I was contemplating if I should stand for the last General Elections, I prayed over it and consulted a few friends. One of them who has been watching me over the years, blatantly told me, “it depends on whether you think you’ve finished what you set out to do.” I realise then that my work is not yet quite done and there is unfinished business that perhaps the office and influence of Parliament can help further.

This coming Monday, I will be officially sworn in as a Member of Parliament. I have been given another 5 years to serve geographically the people of Kampong Glam, the Jalan Besar GRC and the Central Singapore district (as mayor).

There are matters close to my heart for which more and deeper work is required - many to do with systemic work to raise the people at risk of being left behind further - the lower-income, the lower-skilled, the disabled (especially adults) and my ward’s elderly poor. The root issues and solutions are often complicated and talk is often easier.

I hope I will be able to use the next 5 years in Parliament fruitfully; and never give up even when faced with days when I feel like.