Denise Phua

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Happy Children's Day!

It’s been tough for many children as they adjust to the many changes in their lives due to COVID-19. Home-based learning, stay home notices, safe distancing etc, to mention a few.

Community agencies, volunteers and businesses do the best we can to support our beloved children.

Support efforts are never enough. But we will do more with more help. And especially for <age 12 kids from a tad challenging background.

At Kampong Glam Division and parts of Central Singapore District, we have the :

  • TUITION WiTH LOVE free classes at KGCC (thanks to youth volunteers led by Carmen and Marc Lim of the KG Youth Network )

  • NURTURE Comms and Problem Solving Classes (thanks to StarHub/Central CDC)

  • READY FOR SCHOOL vouchers at beginning of school year (thank you Far East Organisation/Central CDC)

  • MY DIGITAL BOOTCAMPs for kids at partner schools such as Stamford Primary and others (thanks to UOB and Central CDC)

More plans coming up to help our kids thrive and not merely survive in days such as now.

But for this Children’s Day, I wish all our children blessings and a full life ahead!