Year-End CDC Vouchers Scheme

A big thanks to a dear friend Moses Lim, the renowned and kind food ambassador of Singapore.

Moses sponsored 200 packets of piping hot porridge, giving many seniors living in AMK Avenue 4 a great dinner.

Advisor/MP Henry Kwek who takes care of the area and I collected the delicious dinner from cooks Robert and his mom; and helped distribute the porridge to the rental blocks nearby with some amazing volunteers.

We also took the chance to urge hawkers in the area to quickly register for the YEAR-END CDC VOUCHERS SCHEME so more customers can support them.

That’s me standing on a stool next to tall and hunky Henry explaining the benefits to them.

Heartland merchants, please check out three key benefits for you when you sign up:

Glad to report that Robert’s Thong Heng Porridge Stall signed up! Customers can use their CDC vouchers at Thong Heng after Dec 2021 when the scheme is launched.