Denise Phua

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Golden Mile Food Centre

Happy to hear from Mr Chng, Chairman of the Golden Mile Food Centre Hawkers’ Association, that the centre is now re-opened after being closed for renovation. Mr Chng proudly said he has just put up a banner to say many of his centre’s food and dried goods (‘army market’ upstairs) already joined the existing CDC Vouchers Scheme.

The owner of the famous Golden Mile Yong Tau Fu stall at the centre, Mr Chng, is one of the best and most diligent hawker centre chairmen my CDC and I have served with.

With or without the CDC vouchers, please do support all our Hawkers and Heartland businesses.

PS: The earlier 2 issues of the $40 million CDC vouchers from past Budgets were only for the lower-income households. The recently announced larger scheme for every household will only take effect LATER in the year after the current tranche is used. Details to be shared later.

PS2: There are not enough parking spaces at Golden Mile/Beach Road, so please park elsewhere or support our local transport.

*photos taken before lock-down