Enabling Master Plan 3


Truth be told, one of the reasons I agreed to enter politics 16 years ago was to persuade the Government and society to pay more attention to the Disability cause.

My husband and I were on the verge of migrating to Australia where he studied. We were advised to seek better services for my young son who was then diagnosed with autism.

We decided not to relocate because we got to know a lot of families who were worse off, and wanted to give a final shot to see if we could help improve things first.

Indeed, the disability landscape did improve.

Not as fast as impatient me would like.

But improve, it did.

Last week, MSF Singapore announced a suite of new initiatives to enhance the support for persons with disabilities and their families, across their life stages.

In a way, it is the announcement of what had been brewing, as Singapore's 5-year Enabling Master Plan for the Disabled (or EMP3) draws to a close. That was chaired by Anita Fam and joined by some of us.

Some of the outcomes are as follows. For those of us who are interested in more details, please do look up MSF Singapore's info sites. https://www.msf.gov.sg/media-room/Pages/New-Initiatives-to-Enhance-Support-for-Persons-with-Disabilities-Throughout-Their-Lives.aspx

The EMP3 Workgroup on Employment co-chaired by me and Minister Masagos Zulkifli issued ten recommendations across three themes :

  • Expand opportunities for persons with disabilities to build capabilities at all life stages;

  • Create and sustain work opportunities; and

  • Recognise and incentivise inclusive employers.

I am personally thankful to committee members like Lucas Chow, Anita Fam, Prof Wong Yue Kee and several others with deep ground experiences; and some 300 contributors including many persons with disabilities, families and professionals.

The EMP3 Workgroup on Independent Living (led by Minister and Chia Yong Yong issued 11 recommendations across four themes :

  • Improve accessibility in the built environment;

  • Ensure access to information and services;

  • Increase adoption of assistive technology; and

  • Raise awareness of disability and promoting inclusion.

MSF heard my (and many others') pleas for more support for persons with disabilities with high support needs.

Several new measures to enhance funding, improve disability care services and case management support for them. https://www.msf.gov.sg/media-room/Pages/New-Initiatives-to-Improve-Disability-Care-Services.aspx

The EMP3 Workgroup on Inclusive Preschools was led by MOS Xueling Sun and A/P Kenneth Poon. Their recommendations to enhance inclusion and support for children with developmental needs will be released soon.

Earlier in April, I had helped ARC released an Autism Enabling Master Plan, thanks to the contributions of more than 500 in the autism community.

That Autism Enabling MasterPlan listed 14 recommendations in 6 High Priority Areas from lifelong learning to end of life planning. https://enabingmasterplan.autism.org.sg

Plans alone are not enough to change lives.

Some of us, who are more anxious for results, have started working on some recommendations.

The only way to predict the future is to help create it.

I am thankful things have come a long way since the bleak early years when my own son was diagnosed more than 20 years.

I encourage all families not to be ashamed of their children with disabilities/special needs.

Cry, grieve, but also consider taking action to make life better for not just your own; but others in our society as well.

As for the rest of Singapore, I am grateful that many have come alongside the Disability cause.

Thank you for believing that everyone, regardless of background or abilities, deserves equal access to essentials such as education, security, healthcare, mobility; and dreams and aspirations as well.

And as for our beloved friends with disabilities, may you seize the day, work hard and be the best that God has made you to be.