Caring for the Vulnerable in the Community

Caring for the Vulnerable in the Community.jpeg

This note is to everyone who genuinely cares for the vulnerable in the community - rough sleepers, cardboard collectors, tissue sellers, trishaw riders, or left-over-food collectors, you meet.

Besides giving out the occasional treat and posting on social media, I urge you to take an extra step; to help get more sustainable support for folks we care for.

Be like Lucy Tan SS, who takes the effort to find out more and then approach the relevant agency or grassroots or MP with information - so that the next step can be taken.

Keep this important telephone number at hand - the SSO ComCare Hotline 1-800-222-0000 – so you can help direct help.

Walk one extra step for that vulnerable we come across after meeting his immediate

  • find out a bit more without judging him or others

  • direct the person to where he can get better help

  • refer the right help party to him

  • work with the local social network so he can be supported more than once

Things will not always be perfect- some solutions are easier said than done. But it's worth the try.

Mr N, for instance, a beloved resident, had been receiving all-around support for many years; before he was recently asked to be admitted to a community home.

Mr N is a recipient of monthly public assistance, diapers, daily free meals, adhoc bedbug fumigations, house painting services - thanks to the nearby PeaceConnect Senior Centre, LoveConnect food hub, Jalan Besar SSO, Silver Gen Office and grassroots.

From Thye Hwa Kwan, Mr N was given personal hygiene and home cleaning services, due to his disability. And from Home Nursing Foundation, home-based medical treatment.

We will miss seeing Mr N in the neighbourhood. He has taught us how to do good together, in a better way.

Doing good with the right motive, with the desire to help the vulnerable more sustainably - is transformational.

Let’s try to shoot for that together.

Have a blessed weekend.