

Supporting the #ThisLittleGirlIsMe movement

This little girl was born into a family living in a pre-HDB rental flat.

But it never crossed her mind that her family was not wealthy. She had a rich childhood; had lots of fun with neighbours and classmates from the school down the road.

Her mother, a capable seamstress-canteen-operator, made sure her 4 children were never in lack. They studied hard (mom’s fixation on education) and played hard; were never spared the cane whenever they detoured.

Hand-sewn dresses, sumptuous home-cooked meals, picnics at Changi Beach; were treats they enjoyed.

Being the eldest child meant this little girl was often the first in the family to tiptoe into the unknowns - unfamiliar new schools, jobs, MNC stints and overseas postings, raising a child with special needs, pushing boundaries for society’s disabled and entering politics.

This little girl learnt a few life lessons growing up and wants to share them with other little girls:

  1. One’s starting point in life does not predict one’s future (so don’t despair);

  2. Love and relationships rule over material possessions (so chase the right things );

  3. Education is a great door opener and humbler (so stay curious);

  4. Action, not self-pity, transforms life for the better (so just do it );

  5. Shed fear and self-importance (so take a deep breath and enjoy).

Inspiring Girls International, Inspiring Girls Singapore, #InspiringGirls, #InspiringWomen, #womensupportingwomen