Rest in Peace, Alice and Siva!

I lost 2 dearest friends just before this Christmas. Unexpectedly. Both are highly energetic, even in their 70/80s, very caring stewards, amazing servant-leaders and an important part of my life in service.

Sister Alice Yeo, my church elder, advised me to join politics to serve in that space when I consulted her in 2006- and had been encouraging me through ups and downs since. She passed away in the recent Sengkang fire with her beloved husband; and very sadly missed by so many she supported and served (with).

Mr Sivaraman who heads the popular heritage Sri Krishnan Temple at Waterloo Mall, is a soft-spoken, diligent leader whose respect for details and excellence is known. He supported me and encouraged me always in my capacity as the local MP. Siva, his dearest wife and children (& in-laws) are not only our religious community friends but also mine. He passed away in the hospital; when all of us were expecting to see him discharged soon.

Both Alice and Siva have left deep positive impact on many lives; mine included. I miss them dearly.