Remembering Teacher Tan

We will miss you, Teacher Tan! Chye Tiong Tan is a leading dizi instructor who started the wind instruments segment of The Purple Symphony or TPS.
TPS is the largest inclusive orchestra, comprising more than 100 musicians with and without special needs, built ground up by Central CDC and passionate artistic leaders like Quek Ling Kiong and Liong Kit Yeng.
Ever kind, helpful, and competent, Mr. Tan never gave up on his trainees who learn differently; never letting what they cannot do, deter them from doing what they can.
Mr. Tan often brings his son to support the orchestra. He persevered and was full of enthusiasm even when he was unwell with cancer.
His passing on is a loss. His is a life lesson on how a man quietly uses his talent and time to make meaningful one’s limited time on this earth.
Rest in peace, Teacher Tan.