Central District's Skills for Good Festival 2022

*It’s a wrap! Central District’s SKILLS FOR GOOD Festival attended by more than 3,000 residents last weekend was a success.

It took a village- only possible with the strong support of close to 20 partners who set up the learning booths, workshops, and stage programmes over the 2-day festival with our CDC team.

I joined many residents to learn more about the trends, skills, and jobs in the growth economies - Digital, Care, and Green.

Interesting courses and activities such as hair cutting, live-streaming for e-commerce, video creation, public speaking, vermicomposting, urban farming, cybersecurity, and working with persons with disabilities, etc were also available for residents to learn and pick up useful skills.

Skills that we acquire are not only for the good of ourselves but also for the community and for life.

Courses like basic hair cutting, and learning how to use the CDC vouchers and/or digital apps are good skills for us to pick up and serve the community.

Personally, I picked up some quick tips in learning hair cutting with Principal Monica from Kimage.

Super encouraged by many of our residents who truly embraced the spirit of lifelong learning - 活到老学到老.

Here’s hoping we continue to learn together FOR GOOD!