From the Community, for the Community

Did you know many of our seniors require help cleaning their homes? Especially during spring cleaning season.
Silver Homes by Central Singapore CDC is a volunteer-led initiative that creates clean and safe environments for disadvantaged seniors.
It is one of 52 programmes by our CDC to serve our residents across Central Singapore.
This time, rental flats in Jalan Tenteram got help from more than 20 volunteers from NTU’s University Scholar’s Programme (USP). The volunteers spruced up the flats by cleaning and painting them. Kudos to these big-hearted individuals for stepping forth. A huge thank you to NTUC Health Whampoa for supporting the event.
The inaugural partnership between Nanyang Technological University Singapore, and Central Singapore CDC speaks about the community partnerships we continually seek and nurture.
My team and I at Central Singapore CDC have a mission: To actively AGGREGATE the needs of our residents and the resources to meet them, BUILD up the capabilities of our partners, and CONNECT communities.
Come build a Do-Good District here with us.
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