House Visits @ King George's Avenue and Rowell

Racial neighbourly harmony in action at Blk 806 King George’s Avenue!
(Younger) Mr S and elderly Mdm L , unbeknown to each other, telling me how good a neighbour each is.
Mr S will buy fish burgers for his elderly neighbour whenever he gets them for his kids. She will regularly look out for them and even tried phoning them when we knocked on his door.
The Chinese have a saying - a good neighbour is tons better than a far distant relative 远亲不如近邻!
The weather is unbearably hot this week, but the cheer makes it easier to bear.
Thank you - dear residents for your time and encouragement and the volunteers who came alongside me.
House visits this week at Blk 641 Rowell and Blk 806 KGA!