A Concert and Orchestra Like No Other

Thank you for supporting inclusion!
A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who joined/supported us for The Purple Symphony’s Annual Concerts this week!
You have all played a part in this beautiful melody of inclusiveness.
In 2015, a group of us dreamers - some from the Central SG CDC, respected artistic leaders like Quek Ling Kiong, Liong Kit Yeng, and fellow musicians - wanted to create something different with music to support the inclusion cause.
We shared the vision of building a local inclusive orchestra. We named it The Purple Symphony.
Into our 9th year, we are mighty grateful to see The Purple Symphony standing tall as a beacon of inclusivity. It has grown to more than 100 strong today, comprising our homegrown musical talents with and without disabilities.
This proves that regardless of backgrounds and abilities, beautiful symphonies are created when we come together and support each other. With Practice, Passion and Purpose !
Thank you Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, Minister Edwin Tong, Mrs Goh Chok Tong and my other fellow GRAs; plus so many super friends n partners for taking the time to show your support for inclusion!
A thousand apologies for not being able to greet each and every one of our ardent supporters personally - our corporate partners, friends from within and outside the disability sector, friends and families of our musicians, and members of the public.
We were blessed by the beautiful (AND fun) music at The Purple Symphony’s Annual Concert 2023. Playing to 1,500 audiences over 2 nights
As the orchestra journeys to its 10th Anniversary, I ask for your continued support. For many more 10 years to come!
See you at next year’s 10th Anniversary!