AVSW - Part 1 of 5

Dear Friends,
I am helping to fundraise for ARC in its 2023 AVSW or A Very Special Walk. The charity is moving to its next phase to provide much needed services for adults on the autism spectrum.
MY CHALLENGE: Recall the 23-year history of the Autism Resource Centre (ARC) and share 23 memorable photo stories
Click https://avsw.autism.org.sg/participants/denise-phua-2074033a to donate to ARC.
Thanks for caring! Denise
1. 1ST of my 23 Memories of serving in autism charity, ARC.
It started more than 23 years ago in 1999 with a letter to the Straits Times. I was lamenting about the lack of support in Singapore then, for children on the autism spectrum.
I was approached by the pioneers before me (Leong Geok Hoon to be specific).
I decided to join the newly formed charity, Autism Resource Centre (Singapore) or ARC in 2000 and help out; instead of complaining.
2. 2ND of my 23 Memories of serving in autism charity, ARC. In 2000, a group of us volunteers separately launched a regional Autism learning conference.
Called the WeCAN Autism Conference 2000, we trained more than 450 professionals and caregivers in the key intervention approaches. The largest of its kind back then.
I persuaded my co-volunteers, Anita Russell and Kim Faulkner to officially incorporate this successful training model under ARC, instead of starting yet another charity.
Glad we did.
3. 3RD of my 23 Memories of serving in autism charity, ARC.
In 2002, a group of us volunteers (including Dr Lam Chee Meng) got together to develop an autism blueprint called PROJECT PLATINUM.
It highlighted the pivotal needs, existing landscape, key gaps and recommendations for each stage of life for persons on the autism spectrum.
We did what I was familiar with – roadshow to ‘jio’ potential partners and sponsors.
MOE was the first to respond and agreed to start Pathlight School. Then, Singapore Pools agreed to sponsor the start of the WeCAN Early Intervention Unit.
The rest is history.