AVSW - Part 3 of 5

Dear Friends,
I am helping to fundraise for ARC in its 2023 AVSW or A Very Special Walk. The charity is moving to its next phase to provide much needed services for adults on the autism spectrum.
MY CHALLENGE: Recall the 23-year history of the Autism Resource Centre (ARC) and share 23 memorable photo stories
Click https://avsw.autism.org.sg/participants/denise-phua-2074033a to donate to ARC.
Thanks for caring! Denise
9. 9TH of my 23 Memories of serving in autism charity, ARC.
Not all of our special adults can work in the open market.
ARC has 2 social enterprises to provide jobs in-house.
The first is THE ART FACULTY gallery where more than 50 artists are trained to produce artwork which are turned to merchandise. Artists then earn royalty as income. TAF strives to produce high quality merchandise and its products appealed (no pity) to many, including foreign visitors.
I urge you to support the artists. www.theartfaculty.sg
10. 10TH of my 23 Memories of serving in autism charity, ARC.
The second social enterprise that ARC has to create jobs for those who cannot work in the open setting is its PROFESSOR BRAWN CAFÉ.
My husband and I used to own it to provide jobs for the first few cohorts of Pathlight graduates who could not proceed for further studies. We then gave Prof Brawn to ARC for $1 as we believe it to be a good brand and should last beyond us. We have faith in the ARC staff management and know that ARC can scale and help even more autistic job seekers.
Prof Brawn’s 2 public cafes are at Enabling Village (behind NTUC there) and Pathlight’s Ang Mo Kio 1 campus. Food is great and affordable!
Please go support them. www.professorbrawn.com.sg
11. 11TH of my 23 Memories of serving in autism charity, ARC.
You can’t become a good autism service provider without good professionals and management.
ARC is blessed to have many great staff, many of whom strive to achieve the charity’s 5-C values of – character; competence; compassion; conviction and contribution.
From autism experts like Dr Lam Chee Meng to educators like Dr Yeap Ban Har and Ms Loy Sheau Mei to mgt leaders like Ms Linda Kho and Ms Jacelyn Lim and the many many angels in their teams - all of them chose to serve with ARC and take this path less trodden.
I am so grateful for them.
12. 12TH of my 23 Memories of serving in autism charity, ARC.
They say, “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together”.
ARC and Autism Association (S) started working together since 2008 when the latter’s Chairman, Mr Ho Swee Huat, approached me to see how we ARC and AAS can better serve together, the entire spectrum of autism profiles.
Today, there is a lot of much mutual sharing between ARC and AAS in running the early intervention units; the special schools (Pathlight School and Eden School); and autism trainings.
ARC helped set up a Professor Brawn Express Café in Eden School so as to provide not just F and B training; but also jobs for some of Eden School’s alumni.
13. 13TH of my 23 Memories of serving in autism charity, ARC.
For charities to run their mission effectively, it is critical to have boards that are focused on the mission and not play board politics or let ego get in the way.
ARC is blessed to have a group of very MISSION-STICKY BOARD MEMBERS and advisors like @Hoching who respects our space.
Some members are parents of children on the autism spectrum; some are not.
Despite our different backgrounds, personalities and styles, members stood by the mission and the results speak.