AVSW - Part 5 of 5 (Final Instalment)

Dear Friends,
I am helping to fundraise for ARC in its 2023 AVSW or A Very Special Walk. The charity is moving to its next phase to provide much needed services for adults on the autism spectrum.
MY CHALLENGE: Recall the 23-year history of the Autism Resource Centre (ARC) and share 23 memorable photo stories
Click https://avsw.autism.org.sg/participants/denise-phua-2074033a to donate to ARC.
Thanks for caring! Denise
19. 19TH of my 23 Memories of serving in the autism charity, ARC.
Although persons on the autism spectrum are not known to be great at socializing, they too have social and leisure needs.
ARC’s SOCIAL AND LEISURE CLUB, provides weekly Saturday get-togethers to do sports, exercises, leisure and learning for close to 100 adults. It is a safe place for members to be themselves and to interact with neuro-typical volunteers and friends.
Dennis Tan, head of this programme, with his amazing team of volunteers have been leading this for more than 10 years.
This is one of the adults programmes ARC is funding and seeking support for.
20. 20TH of my 23 Memories of serving in autism charity, ARC.
Each day, passers-by in ARC’s and Pathlight’s Ang Mo Kio Campuses, are greeted by encouraging words from the team serving there. Love never fails. Go for it. Seize the day. You are worthy ….
21. 21ST of my 23 Memories of serving in autism charity, ARC.
Another new service that ARC is fundraising for adults on the autism spectrum!
ARC has started to develop and showcase what will eventually be a continuum of Housing Living Options.
One of the models that ARC has started out of urgency for a few adults who had no homes is a “Residential Support for Pubic Rental Housing” Programme in Ang Mo Kio.
The project is still at its infancy with 4 HDB rental flats and hopefully will be ready for public sharing one day soon.
So grateful to HDB Zing, MND PS Tzin Woon and all who helped save the day.
22. 22ND of my 23 Memories of serving in autism charity, ARC.
I am thankful to the board and staff of ARC and Pathlight in its active support of external initiatives such as The Purple Parade, The Purple Symphony, Enabling Masterplans etc.
Serving for long years can be tough n sometimes feel thankless – but it can be purposeful and fun too.
23. 23RD of my 23 Memories of serving in autism charity, ARC.
The FUTURE OF ARC and the opportunities and challenges it bring will be different from the last 23 years of ARC’s existence.
Everyone is worthy and deserving of equal access to life opportunities in living, learning and serving.
I pray for many more good 23 years so persons on the autism spectrum and others who are differently abled will be meaningfully included in our society.
JOIN ME AND SUPPORT the autism community and others with different abilities. Let’s walk the extra mile together – it’s usually not that crowded.
Denise Phua