Silver Homes @ Radin Mas

One good practice Ministry of Defence, Singapore (MINDEF) adopts is a Community Service Day each year for its units.
My Central District’s elderly residents had been beneficiaries to this practice.
For 6 years now, the Signal Institute has been volunteering in our CDC’s Silver Homes Programme - cleaning, painting, fumigating and refurbishing rental homes of seniors who have needs.
Yesterday was one such day. Their leader, Col Dean Chua, and other leaders came alongside their men to clean homes at Radin Mas.
And I had the privilege of addressing and thanking all of them.
Big thanks, too, to our ground partner NTUC Health Active Ageing Centre. And some members from Australian Alumni Singapore came along to clean some too.
Service is the rent we pay for living on this earth, so they say. So happy to see so many rent payers in our midst.