New CDC Councillors and New CDC Initiatives @ Central Singapore

An exciting day for Central Singapore Community Development Council which I chair as Mayor.
Thanks, PM Lee Hsien Loong for giving out the appointment certs to our 64 District Councillors and receiving one yourself as a CDC Advisor!
DCs serve as nominated volunteers to help achieve the mission of a CDC. They hail from private, public, and people sectors and use their skills, networks and expertise to do good with me and my team.
I am also thrilled to announce the launch of a *Flexi Cafeteria-style Menu of 100 community offerings* to commemorate LKY100 - over the next 3 years!
In Phase 1, we will add 7 new community offerings to our existing ones.
Ranging from School Bus Fare Subsidy Scheme; Local Jobs Scheme focusing on micro jobs for seniors who want to remain active; Skills for the future for juniors, youths, and families, and Support networks to befriend and assist families with special needs children in the hood.
To resource this menu, we will set up a $10-million Fund, with contributions from our CDC and donors.
There is much to do in the road ahead - but not without the collective support of our DCs, staff, donors, volunteers, and residents!
Thanking everyone in advance!