Behind-the-Scenes of the Silver Homes Programme!
Watch the wrap-up video here:
A wrap-up video of our latest Silver Homes with 300 volunteers from SAF 10 C4I Battalion! Watch the behind-the-scenes and before-and-after transformations in this video!
Silver Homes Programme is one of the 52 service offerings by our Central Singapore CDC.
It provides our underprivileged seniors with clean and safe homes for their better mental, physical, and emotional well-being!
Since 2018, over 15,000 volunteers have participated in Silver Homes to help over 2,800 public rental flats in Central District! Our team links and prepares all the groundwork...
My heartfelt thanks to the servicemen and women who braved the heavy rain in the morning, and gathered as early as 7.30am!
It takes many hands to turn a house into a home for seniors living in public rental flats. But this Army was ready!
They painted, cleaned, removed mould and bed bugs, decluttered, and did our seniors' bidding with open hearts!
One senior was Mr. Imran. He had mould growing on his walls and ceilings for a while but couldn't clean them as he is a wheelchair user. He also had medications and things piling up. The volunteers tidied up Mr. Imran’s home, brought in a new cabinet, and painted his walls!
My hope has always been for our seniors to know help is at hand, and it will be given freely! But it all depends on the number of volunteers who can work with us to keep Silver Homes going!
If you and your friends want to help spruce up the home of a senior, approach our CDC!
#DoGoodDistrict #CentralCDC #OurSingapore #SilverHomes #PhysicalWellnessForSeniorsInCentral
Central Singapore Community Development Council - CDC