Giving New Hope for Ex-Offenders

Ex-offenders and their families do not need pity - they need real second chances and opportunities to turn around their lives in the essentials of life - working, learning, family.
I'm so inspired by the good work of groups championing the cause of ex-offenders in Singapore! I know some of them well as they are partners of my work on the ground.
I'm thankful to join the 18th anniversary of THE NEW CHARIS MISSION which offers halfway house accommodation, training and jobs in their social enterprises. Minister Chee Hong Tat graced the celebration.
I was also happy that ISCOS started a cafe at Race Course Road to provide jobs and gigs for their ex-offenders as F&B staff and musicians. Minister Josephine Teo and I warmly welcomed them to Jalan Besar GRC!
BREAKTHROUGH MISSION too started a restaurant recently at Changi Village for the same purpose. Minister Desmond Lee and I were there to support.