On the Importance of National Service
By Denise Phua
Image: CNA; Watch full video here: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/watch/committee-supply-2024-debate-day-2-denise-phua-importance-ns-4158886
The ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East are grave reminders of the need for a strong defense of especially small nation-states like Singapore.
Singapore’s armed forces (SAF) was created from scratch in 1965, as a result of the need to build our own security capability. We are blessed that political leaders like Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and his team including Dr. Goh Keng Swee had the foresight to build a strong SAF, bolstered by a robust conscription system. This in turn is made possible by the willingness and strong support of Singaporeans who saw this national need. Across generations, since then, Singaporeans have played an important part in making personal sacrifices for the larger good of defending our nation.
As the threats that we face become increasingly complex in wars that are fought not only in physical but also in cyberspace, Singaporeans’ commitment to a strong defense is now more important than ever. The commitment and support of Singaporeans are needed now more than ever.
Can MINDEF provide an update on its plans to raise community awareness about the importance of NS, and of a strong SAF? In light of our evolving threat environment, can we re-imagine NS to go beyond its current form, scope, and method? For instance, are there avenues for women to serve in roles that are suitable for them; and be recognized for their contributions too?