Denise Phua

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Launch of Y+

Glad to have helped launch a new initiative Y+ last week by the 3Ys – YMCA, YWCA, and MYMCA – who pooled their resources and expertise to offer more options for people with disabilities after age 18.

Services for these adults are in dearth, and there is a need to go beyond the usual costly day activity centres and centre-based sheltered workshops.

Quote from The Straits Times (thank you on behalf of our community),

Mayor of Central Singapore District Denise Phua, who was a guest of honour at the launch event, said Singapore has made great strides in the last 20 years in its support for the disability community, especially for the young, but there remain gaps after they leave formal schooling, such as in lifelong learning and housing.

“These are gaps that are not easy to plug, and it is precisely because it is not easy that we should join forces to face these mountains bravely,” said Ms Phua, who is an MP for Jalan Besar GRC.”