World Cities Summit (WCS) 2024

Glad to join fellow mayors in helping to host a lunch talk and reception for global mayors at the biennial World Cities Summit (WCS), organised by Singapore over the weekend.

An important MND initiative with Minister Indranee as Guest of Honour.

Earlier in the morning, my Central CDC team also hosted about 20 government representatives at the Jalan Besar CC to show them the community development activities the CDCs support on the ground. I will share more on this with you in a later post.

WCS is a global platform for government leaders and industry experts to address liveable and sustainable city challenges and forge new partnerships.

The 9th edition of the World Cities Summit is held from 2 to 4 June 2024, in Singapore. This 3-day event comprises the main conference and other key events such as the WCS Mayors Forum, WCS Young Leaders Symposium, the Lee Kuan Yew World Prize Award Ceremony and Banquet, and an exhibition.

Platforms like this are important for Singapore as we plug ourselves into the global scene.

Glad to be able to contribute.

Central Singapore Community Development Council - CDC

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