Overcoming the Fear of the New

Amongst the 7,500 participating merchants in Central Singapore accepting CDC Vouchers, some are senior merchants who are digitally less savvy.
I can totally understand as I am a daily learner of things digital too.
Special shout out to Mr. Tan – a 78-year-old fishmonger who has overcome his fear and operational challenges to even becoming a supportive merchant of the CDC Vouchers Scheme.
With the support of our patient CDC Vouchers Ambassadors, Mr. Tan took up the challenge to learn and equip himself with the essential skills to digitally accept the CDC vouchers.
Mr. Tan also learnt to resolve other practical issues such as keeping his mobile device dry in the wet market environment by innovatively using a plastic cover to waterproof his device and prevent water damage.
Mr. Tan has not only managed to overcome the odds, but he is now a supportive merchant who is happy to scan your vouchers and encourage his fellow merchants to join the CDC Vouchers Scheme.
Dear hawkers and heartland merchants at Central, if you have yet to participate in the CDC Vouchers Scheme, do come forward and my CDC Vouchers Team is always ready to support you.
Together we can serve our residents better and help your business succeed.