House Visits this January

House-to-house visits are conducted regularly in my ward (and in some others too, I believe) - a useful way to check on residents at their homes because not all residents can or want to access Meet-The-People sessions online or onsite.It's a habit, and I look forward to this routine.I apologize January 2025 was such a busy month (Parliament, many Education Awards and CNY activities), I did not get to update you on all the visits my team and I made.
6 Jan - Blk 684 Race Course
13 Jan - Blk 18 Jalan Sultan
20 Jan - Blk 633 Veerasamy
21 Jan - Blk 466 Crawford
21 Jan - Jalan Novena estate (partial due to rain)
25 Jan - Pegu Road
Thank you, Residents, for opening your doors to me.
Thank you, Volunteers, for walking with me all these years.