On Recognising Contributions of NSmen
Committee of Supply – Head J (Ministry of Defence)
Image: CNA; Watch full video here: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/watch/committee-supply-2025-debate-day-2-denise-phua-recognition-nsmen-and-support-their-families-4972166
Ms Denise Phua Lay Peng (Jalan Besar): Chairman, NS is indispensable to Singapore, given our unique challenges as a small nation with no natural resources. The invasion of Ukraine and the current challenges it is still facing, has further underscored the importance of a strong defence. It is through NS that we maintain the peace and security we enjoy today, ensuring that our nation is prepared, capable, and ready to defend our sovereignty when necessary. At its core, the strength of our defence lies in our people. What has MINDEF done to continue to inspire our servicemen in its important mission? What has MINDEF done over the past year to recognise and appreciate the efforts of our servicemen?
Additionally, family support plays a vital role in the success of NS. Families provide emotional stability and strength, helping servicemen navigate the challenges of their NS journey. Facilities like SAFRA offer recreational, social, and educational activities for NSmen and their families, fostering a supportive environment and giving them a sense of belonging to the bigger NS family. As we move forward, are there further improvements or enhancements that Singaporeans can look forward to in SAFRA facilities for our servicemen and their families?
Source: https://sprs.parl.gov.sg/search/#/sprs3topic?reportid=budget-2583