I am honoured to be the mayor of Central Singapore Community Development Council.

Aligned with CDC’s vision, I am passionate about aggregating the needs of our community, building capabilities in partners and networks and connecting with communities. The ABCs of our CDC are what drive us to do what we do.

As I helm Central Singapore CDC, I, together with my teammates, envision to build a Do-Good District to support our residents to live The Better Life. Five key pillars include:

  • Financial wellness

  • Physical wellness

  • Socio-emotional wellness and inclusiveness

  • Lifelong learning

  • Service to others

 Each post in this section documents just some of the many activities my team and I carry out, aligned with our five key pillars.

 Did you know? As mayor of Central Singapore CDC, I am proud to champion 52 programme offerings with my team and volunteers. See some of our programme offerings here: