Launch of CDC Vouchers Scheme

Together with my fellow mayors and DPM Heng Swee Keat, us 5 Community Development Councils (CDC) launched the CDC Vouchers Scheme!

The vouchers would defray some living expenses for lower-income residents and help support heartland businesses.

Across Singapore, about 400,000 identified households will benefit. Each household will get $50 worth of community vouchers for food and essential services at nearby HDB shops and markets.

It may not be much to some but still totalled $20 million to support local residents and businesses.

Together with the other budget measures, they will all add up to something.

Photos show launch and my Central CDC teammates and partners who went about to ‘jio’ (encourage) more businesses to join in, so more will benefit.

Such a privilege to serve in such a time as this!

PS: Invitations to Heartland Business Operators:

  1. Join the CDC Vouchers Scheme - (English video)

  2. 社理会生活补助券计划 - (Chinese video)