Denise Phua

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Breakfast with Love - Online Edition!

”爱心早餐” 在线節目希望居民们喜欢!

For our beloved senior residents - “Breakfast With Love” (BWL) is our Kampong Glam’s signature monthly gatherings for our seniors went online for the first time!

More than coming for my Meet-The-People and weekly house visits, BWL is one way by which we meet and find out their needs in a happy setting.

My volunteers and I so miss them during this COVID-19 season, we decided to self-produce this special BWL in the past weeks, for our regular attendees.

This edition goes :
1. 10-minute exercise with Ah Ken (and me)
2. Choir Performance by our very own Kelantan residents (the Silver Stars choir helped by Central CDC)
3. Kampong News sharing by me: Tips on Dengue Prevention this time

BWL is run for all 9 RC zones monthly by volunteers and in some zones, with some wonderful ground partners like Hope and KKMC. Yup, I join all of them. 8 years le.

Please forgive if this home-made video is not up to your standard; it’s nonetheless made with love and sincerity.

Have a great day everyone!