Celebrating Abilities of Persons with Disabilities

Both autistic and both popular animal artists - ShengJie and Jun-Yi.
Despite still facing challenges due to their autism on a daily basis, they never let what they cannot do, stop them from doing what they can.
Here’s ShengJie making a snake out of plasticine for his favourite ex-teacher.
And Jun-Yi whipping up drawing of some bats for his sister.
Folks like them brighten up our lives, in ways like no other.
The Purple Parade is celebrating the movement’s TEN years of Supporting Inclusion and Celebrating Abilities of persons with disabilities.
Find out ways to support it! Final celebrations at SUNTEC on 29 Oct 2022 from 3-7pm.
For now, get to know and make at least TEN friends with disabilities or special needs. Your life will be richer than you’d ever imagine.