The Purple Parade 2022 Appreciation Party

PARTY TIME. Alone we can do so little; together, we can do so much more!

What a joyous occasion it was at The Purple Parade 2022’s Appreciation party!

The Purple Parade 2022 saw:

  • 10 FANTASTIC weeks of celebrations

  • More than 10,000 participants

  • More than 80,000 engagements (online and offline)

  • 30 strategic physical activations and pop-ups to spread awareness

  • More than 5,000 paraders at our contingent march-past (EXCITING as it’s our first physical march-past since the pandemic)

  • More than 200 partners from the public, private and people sectors

  • Almost 40 inclusive performance items at The Purple Parade

  • Close to 40 carnival partners


  • Disability organisations – for spearheading the movement alongside us

  • Corporates – for your generosity and for exemplifying the spirit of “Doing Good with a Heart”

  • Schools and Institutes of Higher Learning – for being such enthusiastic volunteers, motivators and participants

  • Our emcees – for bringing cheer and high spirits to our participants

  • Organising committee – for your passion and contributions in steering The Purple Parade 2022

  • All friends to our movement – for inspiring many with your abilities and wonderful spirits

Even as we hit this milestone, let’s continue to support inclusivity and celebrate Persons with Disabilities – till it becomes a way of life for everyone.

Together, we have accomplished so much, but there’s so much more to be done!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!