People of Central Singapore District: Jay Hong
People of Central Singapore District - Denise’s people encounters in her CDC work:
LOOK WHO'S HERE in our office this week!
A familiar face dropped by my Central SG CDC office. Jay Hong, a Bishan resident, was one of the ‘Dins’ that performed in Singapore in 2022 (see if you can spot him in the choir pictures below!)

The Harvard Din & Tonics is an a cappella performing group from Harvard University, well-known internationally for their repertoire of American jazz music These undergrads independently negotiate and find resources to sponsor their world performance tours.
The Dins had been coming to Singapore and I knew them since 2012 when they first helped me raised funds for charity at that time
Last year in 2022, Jay Hong and the Dins performed for over 3,200 residents at various malls, schools, and community spaces in Central SG district as their way to give back and Do Good.
Jay Hong is back in SG for his summer break and serving at one of the stat boards.
Coincidentally, our offices are just 3 floors apart!
He came back with smiles, we showed him around our new-old office, and he left with the famous AMK curry puffs from the hawker nearby .
Hope to hear JH sing again - together with other Singaporeans- for our residents one day! And may he continue to do good wherever he goes.