Congratulations President Tharman and Mrs Jane Ittogi-Tharman!

Really pleased to meet President Tharman and Mrs Jane Ittogi-Tharman on their first day in their new presidential role.

Both of them said something profound to me separately and impacted some life decisions of mine.

They likely cannot remember but I do.

(1) Some 20 years ago - and I was an active volunteer in the autism community. I recalled being ‘summoned’ to the then Education Minister Tharman’s office. He asked me what my concerns were as an advocate then - basically, what’s my ‘beef’?

I shared with him on a napkin what I saw of the landscape ; and what I thought education of those with special needs had to change.

He listened intently but did not offer any solution then. At the end of the meeting, I plucked up my courage n decided to ask him, “Minister, if you were me, and you know what i know, what would you do?”

I never expected him to reply, “I would do exactly what you are doing.”

I was stunned as I thought that to be a risky response to someone who was actually asking for a change in the approaches to a system that he was in charge of.

Nonetheless , it left a deep impression on me and influenced my decision to drop the idea of migrating; and later to enter politics, when approached.

(2) The Jane Ittogi-Tharman moment for me came when I was an MP (perhaps in my 2nd or 3rd term). She has always been encouraging of the work I do.

We were chatting and I shared about whether I should carry on and serve yet another term as MP.

Mrs T’s ‘Socratic’ question to me then was, “But have you finished your work?”

Apparently not - I pondered over that question and here I am, still serving today.

I cannot tell you how pleased I am that 70% of Singaporeans endorsed Mr and Mrs Tharman in the recent Presidential election.

There are a few human angels who impacted me greatly in my last 2 decades serving in the public and people sectors . Mr and Mrs Tharman are two.

Congratulations President Tharman and Mrs Jane Ittogi-Tharman. I know you will do mighty work for the people of Singapore.